Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Noel is ONE

Our sweet Noel is one. That was a really fast year! As in, really fast. I just can't imagine life without her. She is changing quickly in so many ways. She is definitely an active girl. My latest nickname for her is Miss Nosypants. She has to know everything that's going on. Her and her partner Captain Destructo have lots of adventures together everyday. I hope her and Evan grow to be best friends.
Some of the things I want to remember about Noel on her first birthday.
  • She can't walk yet. I really don't even think she wants to. James and I will work with her and work with her and she just laughs, gets down and crawls. Stinker.
  • She is weaned! That is major. I truly was beginning to wonder if she would ever stop nursing.
  • Her favorite thing to say is Hannah. She says is a lot. Especially after Hannah squeals and hugs her when she does.
  • She is a climber. She gets into the cupboards, closest, bathtub, shower and anywhere else she can get her little self.
  • She weighs 19 lbs. She is so small compared to Evan at this point. She wears 12 month clothes....barely. She can still wear 9 month most days. She has teeny tiny feet. Size 2. Itty bitty. She hopefully will wear her 3's, which I put her in anyway, soon.
  • She has recently gotten very attached to her white fuzzy blankie. She giggles and hugs it when she sees it. Another one with a blankie. Seems to be the popular thing around here.
I love her so much! She a joy to be with and I thank God every day for her!

1 comment:

Rachael Neal said...

Mom says she looks just like you when you were little. :) I can imagine! She is beautiful.