Slow the process goes. We arrived this morning, and no change. I'm barely dilated, and contractions have slowed to almost nothing. So they did the gel and I am waiting for something....anything to happen! Pray that he gets moving. He's been served his eviction notice, so no more hanging out.
I'll try to post as things change. It may be a while.
oh hang in there. My water broke and then they made me sit for 6 hours doing nothing to see if I would go into labor. I had petocin. I liked it. Once your water breaks you know that you will have a baby in 24 hours one way or another. once the doctor puts his gown on and face mask you know you are about to have a baby in less than an hour! Praying!
I've been thinking about you and praying for you all. I hope you have some games to play or something to keep you entertained. :) Thanks for the update.
how exciting! don't seems so slow, but he will come sooner or later. and like amanda said, once you're there and they break your water, its all over. you're having a baby no matter what. they broke my water 3 times and nothing happened. i was so afraid they would send me home. but NOPE, they can't! praying for you...hang in there!
Thanks for the update!
Both Mackenzie and Amber were induced. With Mackenzie they induced at 8am and at 4pm things started really moving. Had her at 10pm. With Amber induced at 4pm had her just after midnight.
Steve slept doing the waiting. Good thing because he did not get a lot of sleep the next few night. Try to rest if you can.
I'm praying!
I had to call Casey from the office today to see if anybody had called! I have been thinking about you all day!!! I just don't understand it, once my water breaks they fall out. He really really likes it in there I guess! I hope you are contracting nicely by now- it's almost 6:00!
I know. I have been checking every 3 min to see if anyone had heard everything....I check my email and blogs.
someone please post something when it happens! i'm sitting at home waiting to hear anything...
Something must be happening or I would think Pam would be blogging about how bored she is.
I'm with you Kelly. I think blogging in not on Pams mind right now.
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