Thursday, April 24, 2008


Thursdays are "Grandma and Grandpa Day" at our house. That's the day Mom has off from work and her and Dad come down for their Evan fix. They visit the rest of us too, but we know Evan is still the main attraction :)

Today we took Evan to get his pictures done. What an event! It was fun and we have some beautiful pictures to show for it. I didn't get them online, sorry, you all have to wait until they are done to see them.

Here is a pretty good picture of Evan and my parents. This is Evans 4th outfit for the day, and not his last. The kid should be dehydrated from how wet he has been!! It goes from dry to soaking through everything in 2 seconds!! That's babies. We still love them no matter how gross they are sometimes :)


chris k said...

What a blessing to have both parents spend every Thursday with your family! Even though they are getting an Evan fix, I'm sure that everyone is glad to see them. Enjoy those Thursdays.

Jenny LaBo said...

Yeah for Thursdays. It's so nice that they can do that. What a huge blessing!

Kara said...

I love when I see your mom and she gushes about Evan... she is so cute!

Amanda Irene said...

I used to put maxi pads in andrews diaper. Hahaha he was older though and eventually I not giving him soo much to drink.

Kelly Glupker said...

You're fortunate to live so close to family!