Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Memorial Day Weekend - Part 1

It was so nice to have some time to visit my dear friend this weekend. A real visit. Not just hello and goodbye at church. On Friday morning we went to see Travis and Steph. I forgot to take pictures. We were really there though.
Friday night I was able to spend some time with Kara and the kids. Wow! Those kids are growing up fast! So is Kara's belly :) She looks great and I'm amazed she can keep up with the other 4. I was exhausted at her point.
The kids all got to check out Evan.
Tommy was especially attentive.
Abby was her cute little self. What a dolly!
Tommy even got to hold the baby, with Kara's help of course. He is such a good big brother.
Thanks Kara for giving me time to have my "Veihl Kid" fix.


Kara said...

You are welcome! Come any time, you know I miss you! Thomas was so sweet with Evan, I think Abby is going to be the only problem when our new baby arrives!

Jenny LaBo said...

I miss you guys so much!