Monday, February 04, 2008

Baby Shower

I don't have pictures....yet. Having a little bit of a hard time to get them to upload. They will come soon.

My shower was such a wonderful day. Overwhelming, and wonderful. Even today I am weepy over the amount of blessings and the outpouring of love that was given in the way of gifts on Saturday. There were, at final count, close to 70 women there. So many!!! It was so fun to see all of them and get to hug on them. It was especially nice to see family when it wasn't a holiday or wedding. I received almost everything I could possible need for a new baby, and a lot of things for when he is a big boy. God is so good! Now just to find a place for all these things.

One fun event of the day was seeing my cousins and their new little babies. They are so LITTLE!! Annelise is tiny, but next to Wyatt seemed big. If you check out my cousin Rachael's blog you can see the little ones. It was so fun to see them as Mommies. Even though this is Angie's second baby, I still feel old seeing her as a cute little Mommy. And Rachael....I still can't believe she is a Mommy!! They are both good ones, and fit the role of Mom perfectly.

I can't say enough Thank you's to my Mom, Steph, Kara and Debby G. For all they did that day. I know my mom had been pouring her days into preparing this wonderful day for me, and I am sure the others did their fair share of work as well. You can tell by how wonderful the day was. Thank you!!! I love you all!!!!


Kara said...

I love you too! It was the perfect day, so happy that you got all you need. And of course if you need anything EVER- call me, I'm sure I have something around here that would fit you needs.

Kelly Glupker said...

What a blessing. Now you just have to find a place for it - which can be challenging! Was this your first shower? Do you have any others planned? God is so good to take care of us in times like this. I don't know how we would managed without the generousity of so many of our friends and family.

Rachael Neal said...

It was great to see you too! I just wish your little guy had arrived early so we could have had all three babies together! You looked beautiful and I wa so happy to see all the gifts you received. We're still getting gifts from friends and family - and its so overwhelming! God is so good to us. Blessings over your last 4 weeks. Hopefully he'll arrive early!

Melissa said...

Pam, sorry I couldn't make it to your shower. It looks like you received an amazing amount of fun things, that is awesome. And by the way I just went through all (9 tots)of baby boy clothes (0-12 months)that I have and steph had and we have 2 stuffed boxes full for you and baby. I couldn't give you all of them just in case we have another boy some day! Love you guys and hold on the greatest day of your life will be here before you know it. Cherish every second and hold him tight.~Melissa

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

plus i am finding more goodies here :) LOLOL

Pam said...

Kelly, This is my only shower that I know of. We had a small suprise one from our small group at our new churc and received some cute clothes.
Melissa, it would have been fun to have you there but I understand. I appreciate all the clothes. I received a lot of 0-3 months clothes so I won't be needing any of those. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Cheer someone up who doesn't feel well. Wearing a flannel robe with hankie, and adorable fuzzy slippers, will be a companion in good times and bad.