Friday, March 28, 2008


The house is Ann Arbor sold today!!!!!!


Thank you all so much for all your prayers. This home was for sale for almost 4 years and today James went to Ann Arbor and closed.
God has taught us many things through this home not selling. One of which is that we really can survive on little expendable income. God has always provided for our needs and then some.
He also taught us that He answers prayer in his own time. When we told the kids today about it, they both recognized that we had been praying for this and God answered our prayer. What learning experience for little hearts to know God answers prayer in His own time, and His own way.

YIPPEE!!!! I feel like dancing!! Mom, we get a German Chocolate cake right?? :)


Kara said...

Oh honey, I'll throw in a pumpkin roll, too, if you want. That is great news!!!! Even I feel a sense of relief for you!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!
I'll have the cake baked - all three layers!

Sarah Glupker said...

I just got done saying very loudly (as I sit alone in my home)
"OH my Gosh, they sold it!!!!!"

chris k said...

I felt the same as Sarah. Yippee! What an answer to prayer and a great thing for the kids to witness. God's own time. See you soon

chris k said...

I felt the same as Sarah. Yippee! What an answer to prayer and a great thing for the kids to witness. God's own time. See you soon

Chris said...

AWESOME!! I'm so happy for you! I know that you both must feel relieved and a great stress lifted. :)

Jenny LaBo said...

Okay I yelled out loud!
Praise the Lord Praise the Lord
God's timing...I am so happy for you!
This is you want me to send some tamales?

Kara said...

You could send me some tamales, I think it would make the perfect baby gift.

Pam said...

mmmm tamales. Sounds good! As you can see, food is the way we celebrate :)

Amanda Irene said...

How do I get in on this food?

Happy days Pam!!

amber said...

So happy for you, Pam!! What a relief! That's awesome to have your kids see God's answer to prayer! I can't wait until we can share our "sold" story!

Nana & Papa Schwab said...

I know that it is hard to wait for God to answer,but the end result is sooooo great!!! and GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE TO BOOT!!!!!! You go Cathy.

Kara said...

I need new Evan pictures. Just to let you know. See you in a few days!!!!!!!!!

TraceyLD said...

Yeah!!! I've been really bad about blogging so I did not find out about the house selling until I got to my time-at-the-table group this afternoon. I'm happy for you guys. I can't believe it was almost 4 years. I was thinking about it this afternoon and knew it was at least 4.
Now we can tranfer all those "Lord, please sell the house" prayers over to the Beery's.