It might be me, but Hannah is 7, and her spelling words seem really hard! Her list in the last month has included; onomatopoeia, historical, attributes, get the picture. I didn't even know what onomatopoeia was!!
Just my thought about 2nd grade today.
Those are not the 2nd grade words that Michigan Dept. of Ed. would endorse. Onomatopoeia is an English vocabulary word for a ninth or tenth grader. What's up with the words? I would want her to know the words that she is using in her everyday vocabulary and writing. I am shocked!
I was shocked too! I was even more shocked when she told me what it was, then spelled it. Correctly. Then of course in the next breath she spelled thirsty wrong.
Pam, you are funny! I am having fits about Adam starting kindergarten after seeing all the stuff Rachel is doing right now. I know I shouldn't underestimate the guy, his brain just works a little differently than hers.
Kara, that could be just the whole "boy/Girl" difference. James 4 reminds me so much of Adam some days. He wants to take everything aprt, make a huge mess, and just be more rambunctious but he is one of the smartest kids I know! Adam will do just fine and all his curiousity, and energy will his greatest assest to learning.
Thanks Pam, I needed that.
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