Friday, April 05, 2013

Happy Birthday To My Husband

Dear Husband,
I am so happy today to celebrate YOU!  You are the most wonderful man I know.  I love you from the depths of my heart.  There are so many things about you that I admire and respect.  You take care of us so well. We have never needed anything and for that I thank you.  I am even allowed the privilege of my only job being raising our 4 kids every day rather than having to leave the house.  I am so blessed.   You spend time with us playing.  It's a good time when Daddy is home to play!  You love me unconditionally.  Faults, failures and bad breath.....I have never once doubted your devotion to me.
Husband there is one thing I admire more than anything else.  It's that you are constantly changing.  Not personality wise or even in looks but you are constantly striving to be what God wants you to be.  You follow HIM each and every day and I see that clearly in your life, and ultimately in our life.  You are not the man I married - you are better because of your choices and desires to love God most.
Thank you dear husband for all that you do.  I appreciate your work, your mind that keeps our life organized and financially secure, your willingness to be a kid and be silly with us.
I love you.



Phil Luter said...

I am proud of him too. He is a great son-in-law and is training our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord. Happy birthday.

Silvia Parque said...

What a beautiful post!